2022年06月06日 18:00

New release: English report forecasting Japanese PV market toward FY 2030(英文版の太陽光発電市場予測レポートを発刊しました)

Japanese text follows English.

RTS Corporation (Head Office: Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Osamu IKKI), a Japanese consultancy exclusively engaged in PV power generation, forecasts Japan’s PV installed capacity will grow to 154 to 180 GWDC (121 to 140 GWAC) in FY 2030

太陽光発電の専門コンサルティングである株式会社資源総合システム(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役:一木 修)は、2030年度の日本における太陽光発電累積導入量は154~180GWDC(121~140GWAC)と予測しています。

RTS Corporation has released the English report “Forecasting PV Installed Capacity in Japan toward FY 2030 (2022 Edition)” on Monday, June 6, 2022. This is the English translation of the original Japanese version of the report released in March 2022.

株式会社資源総合システムは、2022年6月6日に「日本市場における2030年に向けた太陽光発電導入量予測(2022年版)」(2022年3月発刊)の英訳版、“Forecasting PV Installed Capacity in Japan toward FY 2030 (2022 Edition)”を発刊いたしました。

Since the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Declaration in October 2020, Japan’s energy policy has greatly shifted toward making renewable energy a main power source, to realize decarbonization. There has been a wave of major changes in terms of both policy and market, and a new phase toward 2030 has begun.Under such circumstanced, RTS made forecasts on PV installed capacity toward FY 2030 with two scenarios by application, system size and area, based on the price outlook, expected changes in the social environment and the market, as well as technology progress.


<Changes in policy>
- The Sixth Basic Energy Plan and the Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures were formulated, and the ratio of renewable energy in the energy mix by 2030 was revised significantly upward to 36 to 38%
- The "ambitious level" target of PV installed capacity was set at 117.6 GWAC
- As the ministries responsible for expanding PV introduction, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), but also by the Ministry of the Environment (MoE), the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) are making efforts to promote PV dissemination


<Changes in market>
- In the 2020s, self-consumption PV market will grow, mainly for houses and buildings
- MW-scale PV projects in harmony with local communities are expected to emerge
- Emerging applications: PV systems for parking lots, agricultural land, and water surfaces
- Non-FIT/FIP business models (PPA, etc.) will develop


<Two scenarios: “BAU scenario” and “Accelerated scenario”>
1) BAU scenario: The "ambitious level" target is assumed to be achieved: 154 GWDC* (= 121 GWAC*) in FY 2030
2) Accelerated scenario: The PV introduction environment will be greatly improved and advanced with strengthened promotion and support measures, with technological development solving the issues and reducing costs: 180 GWDC (= 140 GWAC) in FY 2030
--> New business models will emerge, PV will grow for energy security as well

* GWDC means the capacity of PV modules, whereas GWAC means the output capacity of inverters (output capacity of the power plant).

(1) 『現状成長ケース』:『野心的水準』の目標が達成されるシナリオ:2030年度154GWDC(=121GWAC)
(2) 『導入加速ケース』:導入環境が大幅に改善・進展するシナリオ。促進・支援施策が強化され、技術開発による課題解決・コストダウンが進む。

<Diversification of PV business models and applications>
- Shift from dependence on the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program to non-FIT/FIP installations
- Diversification of applications: newly built detached houses and private buildings under PPAs, public buildings, ground-mounted projects through positive zoning, infrastructure facilities (airports and roads)
- Agro PV and floating PV systems as new market segments


We hope that you will make use of this report in order to overcome various issues and further expand the use of PV power generation in addition to sound market competition in the future.


For details of this report, please check our website


[About RTS Corporation]
RTS Corporation is the only Japanese think tank/consultancy exclusively engaged in the field of photovoltaic (PV) power generation. Based upon more than 39 years of our experiences and accumulated knowledge in PV, we have been providing information and supporting our customers to commercialize their business plans and enhance their PV businesses. We also publish various reports, etc. on PV markets home and abroad. In order to transform PV from one of the alternatives to fossil fuel to one of the mainstream energy sources, we are committed to achieving a full-fledged dissemination of PV power generation and further growth of the PV industry. We, all the RTS members, are united and devote ourselves to continuously providing valuable consulting services to our customers.

【株式会社 資源総合システムについて】

[Contact Information]
RTS Corporation
E-mail: info@rts-pv.com
URL: http://www.rts-pv.com/en
Address: Qus Hatchobori Daiichi Bldg. 4F, 3-19-2, Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0032, Japan

株式会社 資源総合システム
〒104-0032 東京都中央区八丁堀3-19-2 キューアス八丁堀 第一ビル4階


  • 科学、技術研究、環境


一木 修(イッキ オサム)
東京都中央区八丁堀3-19-2 キューアス八丁堀 第一ビル4階

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