2018年09月11日 12:30

TOCOLは、日本伝統文化の海外交流・発信戦略第一弾として若き天才尺八奏者 寄田真見乃の英語版Webサイトを公開した。

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TOCOLは、日本伝統文化の海外交流・発信戦略第一弾として若き天才尺八奏者 寄田真見乃(琴古流大師範)、師の谷口嘉信(琴古流洗心窟大師範)の英語版Webサイトを公開した。(9月10日)

世界を魅了する日本の伝統文化。中でも尺八古典本曲を吹奏できる数少ない奏者 寄田真見乃とその師である谷口嘉信の情報を海外に配信。普遍性を持ちえる日本の価値観を世界に発信し、相互理解の増進を図るプラットフォームとしての役割を目指す。
寄田真見乃[YORITA, Mamino]


小学校3年、都山流尺八竹琳軒大師範 三好芫山氏に師事。

15歳(高校1年)より、元アメリカ・オーバリン音楽大学客員教授 谷口嘉信氏(琴古流洗心窟大師範)に師事。琴古流尺八・仏教尺八・禅尺八及び尺八学全般を学ぶ。
同時期、人間国宝 二代目 青木鈴慕氏に「琴古流尺八本曲」や「三曲合奏曲」などの直伝を受ける。さらに、世界的尺八奏者 横山勝也氏に「古伝尺八本曲・海童道(わたづみどう)道曲」や「吾妻流本曲(福田蘭童曲)」や現代曲等、鎌倉時代から続く明暗流41世児島抱庵氏の薫陶直伝を受け、各師から賞賛を受ける。

異例の16歳(高校2年)で全国最年少の琴古流大師範を充許。準師範以上の平均年齢が63.5歳という尺八界において高校生でただ一人の大師範となる。高校時代、3年連続で全国高校総合文化祭に出場。人間国宝 山本邦山氏より賞賛を受けたほか、各師に讚称を受ける。

2009年、東京藝術大学(音楽学部 邦楽科 尺八専攻)入学。
19歳当時、すでに、古伝尺八本曲(海童道道曲・普化禅尺八本曲・琴古流尺八本曲・根笹派錦風流尺八本曲)を修了し、主要な三曲合奏曲、現代曲や歌謡曲を習得。 古伝尺八本曲の域に達する秘伝秘手も全て習得し、現代尺八界において稀有な存在として注目される。

21歳、プラハで開催された『Japonský den 2011』に特別ゲストとして招かれ、チェコ音楽博物館で駐チェコ共和国日本国大使同席のもと演奏。国営チェコTVでも演奏し、ヨーロッパ各地で放映された。



A young prodigy shakuhachi performer / Kinko Ryu grand master
YORITA, Mamino

Born in Kyoto city, September 1990. Currently residing in Kyoto city.
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts.

In third grade elementary student, started taking lessons from Genzan Miyoshi, Chikurinken grand master of Tozan Ryu.
In third year of junior high school, qualified as Tozan Ryu master. Reported in the newspaper as the first, youngest shakuhachi master in Japan.

From age 15 (first year of senior high school), started taking lessons from Yoshinobu Taniguchi (Kinko Ryu Senshinkutsu Grand Master), former visiting professor at Oberlin Conservatory of Music in the US. Learned Kinko Ryu shakuhachi, Buddhist shakuhachi, Zen shakuhachi and all aspects of shakuhachi.
During the same period, received tutelage and direct transmission of works such as Kinko Ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku and Sankyoku Gassokyoku from Reibo Aoki II, a living national treasure. Furthermore, received direct transmission of works such as Watazumido Dokyoku from Koden Shakuhachi Honkyoku, Azuma Ryu Honkyoku (Fukuda Rando Kyoku) and modern pieces from Katsuya Yokoyama, a world famous shakuhachi player under his tutelage, and received tutelage and direct transmission from Hoan Kojima XLI of Myoan Ryu, and received praises from various masters.

Became licensed as Kinko Ryu Grand Master at age 16 (2nd year in senior high school), the youngest nation-wide and an exceptional event. While the average age of associate master and above in the world of shakuhachi is 63.5 years old, she became the only high school student grand master. In high school, participated in the National High School Comprehensive Culture Festival for 3 years in a row. She received praises from Hozan Yamamoto, a living national treasure, in addition to praises from various masters.

Age 18, entered Tokyo University of the Arts (Faculty of Music, Traditional Japanese Music Department, shakuhachi major).
The following year, her debut CD single “Hatsune” was issued, which was displayed at the Musical Instrument Museum, the largest music instrument museum in the US.
When she was 19, she had already mastered the Koden Shakuhachi Honkyoku (Watazumido Dokyoku, Fukezen Shakuhachi Honkyoku, Kinko Ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku, Nezasaha Kinpu Ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku), and learned the major Sankyoku Gassokyoku pieces, contemporary works and songs. She has also mastered secret works and secret techniques reaching the level of Koden Shakuhachi Honkyoku, and attracts attention as a rare presence in the present day world of shakuhachi.

Age 21, invited as a special guest to Japonský den 2011 held in Prague, and performed at the Czech music museum with the Japanese ambassador to the Czech Republic in attendance. Also performed on national Czech TV, which was broadcast throughout Europe.

She attracts attention as a rare presence in the present day world of shakuhachi.


  • エンターテイメント、文化、芸能


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