2017年11月15日 10:00


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「課題管理で、チームの目的達成を支えるオンラインマネジメントツール:TIMESLIST(タイムズリスト)」が、世界中のタイムゾーンに対応し英語圏で利用可能になりました。 TIMESLISTは、「ありたい姿」から逆算して一緒に考えるプロジェクトマネジメントの専門家集団:株式会社マネジメント(本社:東京都港区、代表:音羽真東)が、理解・実践しやすく体系化したマネジメント理論を元に研究・開発しています。




マネジメント理論に基づいて、課題管理、TO DO管理、リスク管理を別々に管理できる唯一のTIMESLISTは、期限の厳しいプロジェクト活動だけではなく、目的と期限を伴う組織の定常業務や個人の活動(トレーニングや社会活動含め)を強力にサポートし、同時に課題管理スキルの向上にも貢献します。


マルチプロジェクトの同時表示機能では、一つの画面でマルチプロジェクトの課題・TO DO・リスク・共有情報など、参加する複数プロジェクト(プライベートの学習プログラム・料理やスポーツの上達・学校の行事なども含む)の状況を一つの画面内で表示できるため、やるべきことを忘れたり期限に遅れたることを防ぎ、やったことの履歴を残すことができます。個別のプロジェクト毎にそれぞれのメンバーを招待でき、招待していないメンバーから見られることはありません。

では、各ユーザーが課題・TO DO・リスク・共有情報を素早く見つけられるように、時系列を重視したタイムライン表示・一覧性を重視したリスト表示・前後関係や連なりを重視したガントチャート表示の3つの表示切替を用意しています。キーワードによる検索はもちろん、カテゴリ・期限・ステータスなど詳細な検索も可能です。タイム






◎Androidアプリ: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timeslist.app
◎iPhoneアプリ : https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/timeslist/id1130233641
◎Web版URL : https://timeslist.com/

株式会社マネジメント お問い合わせフォーム



TIMESLIST (made in Japan) an issue management tool adds new features to English version available to Europe and Asia.

Most important features release ever for TIMESLIST, the issue management tool which supports your multiple projects team across different time zones.

AOYAMA, TOKYO, JAPAN- TIMESLIST, an all in one cloud-based issue management tool researched and developed in Japan since 2013 by Management. Co., ltd. announced today it has added several powerful new features to its latest version originally launched in September 2016. TIMESLIST was previously available only in Japan. The latest version will now be available throughout Europe and Asia for the first time. TIMESLIST is based on management theory. MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd has broken down management theory and newly reconstructed it using the original primary body of knowledge concerning management.

What is management theory ?
- Multiple activities are redefined as projects with goals and deadlines.
- Break down projects into gradual reachable units that are defined as issues.
- Project goals are achieved by identifying and solving each defined issue.

TIMESLIST issue management tool organizes the “big picture” by managing “issue”, “to do (task)” and “risk” categories separately. With TIMESLIST users can support more than just one specific project with a strict deadline. TIMESLIST allows users to manage their organization’s regular tasks with goals and deadlines, along with their personal activities such as training classes, workshops, family commitments, and volunteer activities--all at the same time.
With TIMESLIST all participants are connected all the time, all in one place, to efficiently move project activities forward.

Multiple projects involving numerous participants from several different departments or organizations often run into communication difficulties. TIMESLIST provides a solution to communication obstacles by allowing all project participants to post a new issue, to do (task), risk and comments for any project viewable by all other participants at the same time.
The “search” feature allows users to find any issue easily by project name, status, and team members. There are three display change tabs : Timeline, Issue list and Gantt chart (WBS). Additionally, there are other features such as chat, dashboard, team member planning, and sharing documents.

TIMESLIST facilitates cross-functional coordination and collaboration on issue management and aligns all these processes centrally in one place. Users can also set their own time zones to make it easier to collaborate and work with other team members from a distance.
More powerful and simpler.
In TIMESLIST, once a project is created, the user can invite both internal and external team members to participate. TIMESLIST allows users to see one project or multiple projects all on one page and coordinate issues, tasks, to do, and risk to propel a project (or multiple projects) forward.
Features & Benefits.

Multiple projects on a centralized platform.- Identify high priority issues that need to be addressed quickly. In addition, track the status of all issues and their associated actions all in one place. Users can invite team members to each project and communicate in real time to move the project forward. Privacy is secure because only invited team members can see each project.

Three display change tabs.- TIMESLIST has three main display tabs: Timeline, Issue list, and Gantt chart. These three tabs allow a user to find any issue, to do, risk and shared info quickly and easily. If users need a bird’s eye view of tasks and workflow they can easily get one using Gantt charts.

Time zone setting.- Users can set time zones from more than 500 locations worldwide using the same standard time. TIMESLIST allows users to collaborate with other team members from a distance, no matter where they are located. No problem.
Share and resolve issues with team members anywhere on earth. Increase your productivity with TIMESLIST!

Volunteer translators wanted to translate from Japanese to their languages.
TIMESLIST wants to become available in several other languages so it can be used all around the world to help multiple country’s teams solve various issues by project management.
Benefits of being a volunteer translator:
1. You will learn project management, issue management and Japanese language through translating TIMESLIST to your language.
2. You may make Japanese friends through MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd.,
3. You can learn about, and keep up with, current Japanese culture.

● Available for translation work 1 - 2 hours a day, three days a week.
● Provide weekly updates on your task progress once a week, and inform us when you are unavailable due to taking a day off or a vacation.
● Understanding Japanese and English skills are a plus, but not necessary. Bilingual Japanese are welcome.
● This is an unpaid volunteer position. However, you can learn project management at a corporate training program level.

TIMESLIST - Increase your productivity!
Free version and paid version available now.
Download Web based: https://timeslist.com
Download Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timeslist.app
Download iphone: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/timeslist/id1130233641

CONTACT: https://timeslist.com/WCM0300/contactconf/disp/bs/


  • IT、通信、コンピュータ技術


音羽 真東(オトワ マサト)
東京都港区南青山4-17-33 グランカーサ南青山2F

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