深層学習(ディープラーニング)の登場によって、マシンビジョンの深層学習ベースでの技術が進化し、コンボリューショナル(畳み込み)ニューラルネットワーク(CNN、神経回路網)においては支配的である。コンボリューショナルニューラルネットワークで、モデルを仕立てるためのデータをより収集し利用することで深層学習の正確さと能力が改善される。深層学習ベースのマシンビジョンを導入しようとしている主要な産業垂直市場は製造業である。製造業はデジタル化をすすめようとしており、深層学習ベースのマシンビジョンの採用は増加するだろう。深層学習ベースのマシンビジョン技術を提供するスタートアップ企業には、Instrumental、Landing.ai、micropsi industriesなどがある。
Machine vision has been a staple for industrial manufacturing. The capability is deployed in various scenarios, including quality inspection, object, and defect identification. In recent years, machine vision has also been crucial in the rise of the autonomous mobile robot, as machine vision plays a key role in visual based simultaneous localization and mapping.
With the rise of deep learning, more and more machine vision models are built on deep learning techniques, predominantly on convolutional neural networks. By building on convolutional neural networks, the accuracy and capabilities of deep learning based machine vision will improve as more data are gathered and used to train the model. One of the main verticals that are looking to adopt deep learning based machine vision is the manufacturing industry. As the manufacturing industry starts to embark on the journey of digital transformation, the adoption of deep learning based machine vision is expected to grow. Instrumental, Landing.ai and micropsi industries are among the main startups that are offering this technology.
At the moment, the implementation of deep learning based machine vision will rely heavily on edge device and on-premise servers. As the technology is still in its early stage, implementers need to be aware of several requirements prior to deployment. The training and testing of deep learning based machine vision models and algorithms require high definition data and high computational power, which is currently lacking in the manufacturing environment. It is also critical for the models to be interoperable with existing infrastructure, such as industrial-grade camera from Cognex, Basler and Keyence, and industrial cloud platform from industrial players like GE, ABB, SAP, PTC and Siemens. Redundancy, data privacy and sovereignty requirements should not be overlooked as well.
■ 調査レポート ■
Deep Learning-Based Machine Vision In Smart Manufacturing
Application Analysis Report
出版社: ABIリサーチ(米国)
【サービス区分】人工知能と機械学習 - 技術
【サービス区分】スマート製造業 - 市場
株式会社データリソースはABIリサーチの日本販売代理店です。 調査レポートの販売、委託調査などを行っています。
◆米国市場調査会社 ABIリサーチ(ABI Research)について
ABIリサーチ 日本販売代理店
107-0052 東京都港区赤坂1-14-5 アークヒルズエグゼクティブタワーN313
深層学習(ディープラーニング)の登場によって、マシンビジョンの深層学習ベースでの技術が進化し、コンボリューショナル(畳み込み)ニューラルネットワーク(CNN、神経回路網)においては支配的である。コンボリューショナルニューラルネットワークで、モデルを仕立てるためのデータをより収集し利用することで深層学習の正確さと能力が改善される。深層学習ベースのマシンビジョンを導入しようとしている主要な産業垂直市場は製造業である。製造業はデジタル化をすすめようとしており、深層学習ベースのマシンビジョンの採用は増加するだろう。深層学習ベースのマシンビジョン技術を提供するスタートアップ企業には、Instrumental、Landing.ai、micropsi industriesなどがある。
Machine vision has been a staple for industrial manufacturing. The capability is deployed in various scenarios, including quality inspection, object, and defect identification. In recent years, machine vision has also been crucial in the rise of the autonomous mobile robot, as machine vision plays a key role in visual based simultaneous localization and mapping.
With the rise of deep learning, more and more machine vision models are built on deep learning techniques, predominantly on convolutional neural networks. By building on convolutional neural networks, the accuracy and capabilities of deep learning based machine vision will improve as more data are gathered and used to train the model. One of the main verticals that are looking to adopt deep learning based machine vision is the manufacturing industry. As the manufacturing industry starts to embark on the journey of digital transformation, the adoption of deep learning based machine vision is expected to grow. Instrumental, Landing.ai and micropsi industries are among the main startups that are offering this technology.
At the moment, the implementation of deep learning based machine vision will rely heavily on edge device and on-premise servers. As the technology is still in its early stage, implementers need to be aware of several requirements prior to deployment. The training and testing of deep learning based machine vision models and algorithms require high definition data and high computational power, which is currently lacking in the manufacturing environment. It is also critical for the models to be interoperable with existing infrastructure, such as industrial-grade camera from Cognex, Basler and Keyence, and industrial cloud platform from industrial players like GE, ABB, SAP, PTC and Siemens. Redundancy, data privacy and sovereignty requirements should not be overlooked as well.
■ 調査レポート ■
Deep Learning-Based Machine Vision In Smart Manufacturing
Application Analysis Report
出版社: ABIリサーチ(米国)
【サービス区分】人工知能と機械学習 - 技術
【サービス区分】スマート製造業 - 市場
株式会社データリソースはABIリサーチの日本販売代理店です。 調査レポートの販売、委託調査などを行っています。
◆米国市場調査会社 ABIリサーチ(ABI Research)について
ABIリサーチ 日本販売代理店
107-0052 東京都港区赤坂1-14-5 アークヒルズエグゼクティブタワーN313