人工知能 (AI) と機械学習(ML)は、従来のインフラストラクチャーベンダやIT企業、モバイルサービスプロバイダ(MSP)などのすべての利害関連事業者にとって新たなビジネスチャンスであるとみなされている。人工知能は現在、顧客管理分野で大きな牽引力を発揮し、いくつかの利用事例がある。AIをコア製品に取り入れている企業も多く、すでにAIソリューションを通信会社の特定の弱点を解決するために提供している企業もある。NEC/ネットクラッカーやアムドックスなどのサードパーティーのソフトウェア企業(ISV)は、AI機能を搭載したソリューションを強化している。一方、ファーウェイやエリクソンなどのネットワーク機器ベンダは、特に5Gのようなセルラーネットワークの中枢においてAIや機械学習を使用している。また、アマゾンやマイクロソフトなどのクラウドコンピューティングの巨大企業によるAI技術は、ISV、MSPインフラストラクチャーベンダとの提携によって市場牽引力を高めている。
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are viewed as potential sources for new sales opportunities with traditional infrastructure vendors, IT players and Mobile Service Providers (MSP) all vying for a piece of the pie. The AI pie is currently fragmented with several use cases in the customer management domain receiving a great deal of traction. There are numerous players in the market either incorporating AI into their core products, or already offering AI solutions to solve specific telco pain points. On the one hand, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) such as NEC/Netcracker and Amdocs are bolstering their solutions with AI capabilities; similarly, network equipment vendors (e.g., Huawei and Ericsson among others) are also using AI and ML capabilities as an essential ingredient of cellular networks, particularly for 5G. On the other hand, AI technology from cloud computing giants such as Amazon and Microsoft is gaining traction in the market via partnerships with ISVs, MSPs and infrastructure vendors.
In this report, ABI Research analyses AI adoption in Telecoms and it elaborates on how market players can strike a balance between the current narrow use-case specific approach and one that promotes a global, top-down AI strategy. The findings of this report indicate that a winner is yet to emerge in the commercial front; traditional vendors, IT players, and MSPs are all serving as suppliers in the market. Other topics discussed in the report include AI ecosystem layers and implementation approaches, key innovators among MSPs and steps they are taking towards a digital ready workforce.
■ 調査レポート ■
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Use Cases in Telecoms
Application Analysis Report
出版社: ABIリサーチ(米国)
株式会社データリソースはABIリサーチの日本販売代理店です。 調査レポートの販売、委託調査などを行っています。
◆米国市場調査会社 ABIリサーチ(ABI Research)について
ABIリサーチ 日本販売代理店
107-0052 東京都港区赤坂1-14-5 アークヒルズエグゼクティブタワーN313
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are viewed as potential sources for new sales opportunities with traditional infrastructure vendors, IT players and Mobile Service Providers (MSP) all vying for a piece of the pie. The AI pie is currently fragmented with several use cases in the customer management domain receiving a great deal of traction. There are numerous players in the market either incorporating AI into their core products, or already offering AI solutions to solve specific telco pain points. On the one hand, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) such as NEC/Netcracker and Amdocs are bolstering their solutions with AI capabilities; similarly, network equipment vendors (e.g., Huawei and Ericsson among others) are also using AI and ML capabilities as an essential ingredient of cellular networks, particularly for 5G. On the other hand, AI technology from cloud computing giants such as Amazon and Microsoft is gaining traction in the market via partnerships with ISVs, MSPs and infrastructure vendors.
In this report, ABI Research analyses AI adoption in Telecoms and it elaborates on how market players can strike a balance between the current narrow use-case specific approach and one that promotes a global, top-down AI strategy. The findings of this report indicate that a winner is yet to emerge in the commercial front; traditional vendors, IT players, and MSPs are all serving as suppliers in the market. Other topics discussed in the report include AI ecosystem layers and implementation approaches, key innovators among MSPs and steps they are taking towards a digital ready workforce.
■ 調査レポート ■
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Use Cases in Telecoms
Application Analysis Report
出版社: ABIリサーチ(米国)
株式会社データリソースはABIリサーチの日本販売代理店です。 調査レポートの販売、委託調査などを行っています。
◆米国市場調査会社 ABIリサーチ(ABI Research)について
ABIリサーチ 日本販売代理店
107-0052 東京都港区赤坂1-14-5 アークヒルズエグゼクティブタワーN313